Basic Info & FAQ's

What is included with registration cost?

  • Registration costs covers the sports equipment used by Utah RMA, Insurance for RMA to operate and fees and permits associated with venue reservations when required

Do I have to be good at sports?

  • No not at all! This is a recreational league for all talents. Just show up and have fun!

  • Perfect for people who have always wanted to try a sport or a new sport.

What if I have a full team that wants to join/ play together?

  • Have all of the individual team members pay the registration fee, and then each individual fill out the dedicated sport information form and indicate your team name.

What if I am signing up alone or with a friend?

  • We will place you on a team with other singles or small groups alike.

  • If you are signing up with a friend we can ensure you are on the same team!

Is this league tied to any school, church or rec center?

  • NO! We have players from all backgrounds and beliefs. We just want to keep Utah active and build community.

What sports gear is provided?

  • We will provide all nets, balls, bases, flags and any other equipment that is not warn.

  • We do not provide shoes or clothing articles of any kind

Do I have to play the full season?

  • We will not force you to finish the season or a game, however we do ask for your full commitment to the season as our leagues depend on or players showing up to play all of their games!

How are our payments processed? Are they secure?

  • All of Utah RMA's payments are handled by Stripe and are 100% secure.

  • Utah RMA does not store or handle any payment information.

If you have any other questions or concerns please email